I started running a little over a year ago and it's been a great way to stay in shape. Unfortunately I've taken a couple of weeks off, so last night was hell on the treadmill. Or, as Preston would call it "a real Sufferfest". See Barton 4 definition of Sufferfest below.
Sufferfest; noun, verb, adverb, adjective, blah, blah, blah
Root word: suffer
Definition of Sufferfest:
: Something horribly, terribly, and awfully personally encountered, undergone, or (barely) lived through
Hideous disaster, calamitous event, nauseating bragging (about kids, diet, workout schedule, beauty, etc), abhorrent catastrophe, embarrassing debacle, stomach flu/food poisoning, apocalypse, tradeshows, cleaning the toilet, Armageddon, hangover.
Kid-free anything, massage, lying on beach, eating dinner without interruption (including, but not limited to: spilled milk, screaming, peeing of pants, complaining, whining, fighting, or tears), sleeping past 6:00 am, enjoyable, interesting, fun, care-free, easy, fully rested and rich, winning the lottery, getting a raise, smashing success, wine tasting.
Examples of Sufferfest:
• That time on the treadmill was a real Sufferfest.
• Oh no, they put sauce on Johnny’s chicken, eat fast to shorten the length of the upcoming Sufferfest.
• Cleaning the house is a pure Sufferfest.
• Having lunch with Sally (thin, rich, beautiful, perfect children and husband) to “catch up” after her two week tropical vacation will be a complete Sufferfest.
• I can’t believe I drank two bottles of wine and it’s 3:00 am – holy shit tomorrow is going to be a Sufferfest as I take the kids to the disco roller-skating birthday party.
• Why oh why did I cut my own bangs, the next month is going to be a hair Sufferfest.
• Ahhhhhhhh SUFFERFEST!
What's your Sufferfest? How do you live through it?