It's Friday, it's Friday, it's Friday. The entire weekend lay before us.
I will sleep until the sun is up instead of waking in the dark. I will take a couple of glorious, sweaty runs out of doors. I will play with the kids. I will have a date with my husband. The kids will have pizza and a movie with a sitter. I will get together with some girlfriends. I will slowly drink two cups of coffee while reading the Denver Post each morning. I may throw in a load or two of laundry. I may tidy the house a bit. I may stock the fridge for the upcoming week. We may go to the pool. I may drink a glass or two of wine. We may go to Cactus Jack's for the best burgers in Colorado. Connor will load his backpack for the first day of school. Quinn will try on her uniform for her first day of Pre-K with Ms. Summer. Connor will build Legos. Quinn will play babies and barbies. Neighbor kids will knock on the door and ask if the kids can play. Preston may mow the yard. We may light the firepit and enjoy smores. We may eat a home cooked Sunday meal OR we may get take out.
So, so many things are possible.
What will you do? Don't you wish just a tiny bit that you were part of the Barton 4? It's a pretty good place to be, especially on the weekends.