Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

I keep reading about resolutions, what we should resolve to do from the experts and then something similar coming out of everyone's mouth. Don't get me wrong, there are PLENTY of things I should resolve to do. Those things I'll keep to myself and try like hell to really do. (Repeat under breath, patience is a virtue.)

But, for all of you I hope you resolve to have more fun, laugh as often and loud as possible, and enjoy many great meals and even better bottles of wine with those you love. My mother-in-law always says, "I like having your feet under my table." Why don't you also resolve to come to Denver and spend some time with your feet under my table. I promise it'll be fun, we'll laugh a lot and I'll cook up a warm meal served with an even better bottle of wine. Please, come visit.

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