Monday, February 28, 2011

Lucky #7 - Mr. Connor George Barton

Today, you turn 7. It's a shock just to say it - 7. Feels like tomorrow you'll be taller than me and driving. How can that be when it feels as though it was just yesterday when I could hold you in one arm and unload the dishwasher with the other (or eat dinner, pour my coffee, check out at the grocery store, you get the picture).

My how you loved to be held. This hasn't changed much. You still crave us, your family. I so fear those days are numbered, but until then we will continue to take in every moment of your affection, hugs and snuggles.

I am in awe of you child - your view of the world, your empathy, kindness and sincerity. For 7, it really feels like you've got a lot of it figured out - maybe you could fill me in on the secret?

Thank you for filling our lives with so much. We adore you.

Now, let's have some cake!

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