Monday, July 27, 2009

One Month Anniversary on Weaver Drive

A month ago today we moved into our home. It seems like it's been longer and shorter at the same time (weird, I know). We have hosted family and friends and are truly enjoying our moments in our new home. The kids are settled and sleeping well and we are spending most of our evenings in our backyard sipping wine and just enjoying each other. We shake our heads and talk about how we can't believe we live in Colorado, we wonder how our friends in Salt Lake are spending their evening and we nervously ponder how Connor will do in Kindergarten in just another short month.
I've always believed that life is really about the everyday, the little stuff and right now we're relishing in the little stuff.

1 comment:

Polly Cook said...

It's been a month already? Well now I must go and pull myself into the fetal position and sob. Miss you terribly, but love what you've done with the porch.