Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A sick day for Quinn

and more Dora The Explorer than any one should be subjected to - there just isn't enough wine for over 10 journeys to gooey geyser, the tallest mountain, Benny's barn, mi abuelas, chocolate tree...
And please, I beg you Swiper, no more effing swiping. Why must I keep saying it?

Let's just all hope that the fever dissipates before tomorrow morning. I'm not sure I can handle one more day of Dora, Boots, Benny, Isa, Tico, Abuela, Diego, Baby Jaguar, blah, blah, who cares, save me please, more wine - of course.

Where are we going...insane asylum, Where are we going...liquor store, Where are we going...medicine cabinet...Where are we going...

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I am DYING! Seriously dying. You just don't understand until you have been there. Fortunately, we have moved on to Imagination Movers, Max and Ruby (which can get just as bad as Dora after a while) and the dreaded Thomas the Train.