Friday, February 27, 2009

My Favorite Superhero Turns 5

My crazy-cat, Connor turns 5 tomorrow. Well, technically he'll still be 1 since he was a Leap Year baby. But, we celebrate on the 28th when it isn't a Leap Year.
Today he's walking around the sun (Montessori tradition) and we're taking cupcakes to school. Tomorrow we're hosting a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle/Star Wars/Superhero swimming party for he and 20 of his friends. AND, my parents are in town to help celebrate. All of this adds up to a very excited 5 year old.
Wow! I can't believe my baby is turning 5. In his words, "When I turn 5 I get to watch the REAL Indiana Jones." Apparently that's a big deal in the 4-5 year old circles.
It seems like it was merely days ago that he was 2 and I'd ask, "What are we?" To which he would respond, "Two cool cats!"
It's amazing to me the child that he has become. He is interesting, smart, funny and snugly. He loves life and activity - riding his bike, skiing, running, jumping and chasing your sister. He is my sensitive child, a bit shy, a bit reserved and always thinking. I adore the person that he is and love discovering the world with him.
All our love to you, Cool Cat Connor and Happy Birthday!


Jim McIntosh said...

Happy Birthday Connor. Sorry the McIntosh's missed it.

Susan said...

Connor has always had a real zest for living. I hope that, after walking around the sun, he will continue to explore, seek, and experience . . . in addition to righting wrongs and knocking out bad guys of course. Susan